
get up

Photo a day from Project 365

Hello My Dears.

Here are my photographs for the month. I love taking a photo a day with my iPhone. Its so much fun! 

I have made my mind up that today is going to be better than yesterday. Its not easy when the depression starts to curdle beneath me, but its a battle I have to keep fighting. 

I have to get on my feet again. This means: painting, writing, making things. This means: cooking, and cleaning the house to a point that I feel comfortable and cozy. Things have really gone downhill fast around here so its time to string it all back up into something I recognize.

I hope you have a lovely day my sweets, 



  1. Aw I love your doggie. I have a matching black doggie, but he's a little bit bigger (he's a fat baby).

    1. Oh thanks. I love labs, and Amelia is so spoiled and loyal beyond belief!

      xx, C

  2. Best. Idea. Ever. I love that you did it in a calendar! PS what is #24?!

    1. Oh thanks! The cool thing is it is just the app that does that, so if you have an iPhone I highly recommend it. :) #24 is a Star Wars slot machine we ran into while in Vegas. :)

      xx, C


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