
more alive

It's afternoon. I'm sitting at my very neglected, rarely sat at desk. It's weird how sitting here wakes me up and makes me feel creative even doing nonsense. I always wanted a desk, a place of my own, and now that I have one I don't use it nearly as much as I want to. I really do need to sit here every at-home morning.

I'm listening to good, thoughtful, strong, sad music. This is what it feels like to be a person, to have a reason. To live for livings sake.

Hello crazy-weird-living-thing, good afternoon.

xx, C

1 comment:

  1. Love your pink clock! I was totally stoked about having my own office upstairs....that lasted about a week. Now I am downstairs in the bf's office in a corner so I can be close to him. ahaha.


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