
not my best

Hello my loves,

Once again I'm feeling like there is something wrong with me physically. It just started the last three days. Severe lack of energy, dizziness, and lightheadedness. I went to the doctor a little over a month ago for this and we found out it was just a little issue that was easy to treat, but this shouldn't be happening again, the antibiotics should have knocked whatever was going on out for good because it isn't an ongoing condition or anything. So I don't know what's wrong this time. :(

I have a doctors appointment Wednesday for something unrelated so I will mention this too.

I wanted to work on writing my newsletter for next week today. I keep putting it off but I really have no mind to write at the moment. I feel so dizzy and just weird.

Anyway, this should make for an interesting weekend I guess... I hope you are all doing well.

xx, C


  1. =( I hope you feel better! And you look fantastic!!!

    1. Aww thanks dear, this is a really old picture, but I just didn't have time to take a new one. ;)

  2. hey hot stuff!
    I hope you get feeling better.. have you had your thyroid checked? A friend of mine started feeling that way and they found out she had an imbalance in her thyroid. I know it doesn't get checked for people our age often.

    1. I actually just had my thyroid checked last month and it came back fine. I get it checked once or twice a year because hypothyroidism runs in my family.

      xx, C

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Catherine! I am so happy you found me so I could find you! I have a lot of the same recurring issues, if you need anyone to chat with I am all ears :) Have you had your lymph nodes checked recently? I have had mono 4 times, and the symptoms are very similar to hypothyroidism (which I also have). A rheumatologist is a good place to start for auto-immune disorders! I also switched my anti-depressant to Zoloft, and it has significantly helped with my dizziness.

    I hope you start to feel better soon - it sucks to feel like a prisoner in your own body!



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