
l a t e l y

It's been a while. A lot has been going on with little old me. I've had some of the worst days of my life, followed by some of the biggest breakthroughs. Growing hurts, and digging out of depression is hard as hell.

It's worth it for the little things though. Things like the sun shining on our pups fur, rainy autumn weather, and an average nights sleep. Also, with the ankle healing I am able to walk around and do things! Cleaning has never felt so fun!

Here's some lately things:

I'm working on my book. Yesterday I arranged most of my chapters, and I'm so excited! It's going to be formatted as a kind of diary. A mix and match of poems, stories, thoughts, life snippets, and maybe photographs all based on my life.

I'm getting over the fibro flare I had last night. My leg felt electric and it was awful. My hands are also super swollen and stiff. Fibro is fucked up.

I painted my nails mermaid sparkly green yesterday, quiet possibly my favorite shade of polish!

I wore jeans twice last week. Just didn't feel like wearing a dress, but also felt so dressed down and in pjs. Kind of too self-conscious for dress up these days. That's what happens when you stare too much in the mirror.

I'm starting a DBT course this Wednesday. It's 16 weeks and I can only miss two classes the entire time. It is going to be hard work, but I hope it helps me be more mindful and balanced in my day to day life. There is homework and everything. It's very intensive so I'm a bit nervous...

I'm enrolling in the Spring semester at a local junior college. I think I am going to take a pottery spinning class. I'm hoping to finish up my associate's degree and then transfer to a university to get my bachelors degree. Really excited. Really scared.

This weekend we are going to Ikea. Can't wait!

I've already decorated for Halloween and candy corns are being occasionally eaten. Hooray!

Australia is inching closer and I'm nervous as all hell. I've always been a bit of a nervous traveller but bravery is the thing.

I'm so ready to adventure to the beach and the natural history museum and get tattoos.

I've stopped taking pictures (even with my iPhone!) and I fucking hate it. I need to get snapping!


What's happening with you? I hope good things.

xoxox, C

1 comment:

I adore your notes! Please don't be shy! :)